A point lens microlensing event is parameterized by three variables:
u0 = the impact parameter between the source and the lens (i.e. minimum separation)
t0 = the time of closest approach between the source and lens (i.e. t at u = u0)
tE = the Einstein crossing time = the time for the source to travel 1 Einstein radius
The magnification of the source is given by the equation:
Magnification =
A(u) =
u2 + 2
u (u2 + 4 )1/2
u = ( u02 + τ2)1/2
τ =
(t - t0)
In the limit that u0 << 1, what is A(u)?
Below are discovery lightcurves of the first microlensing events. For
each one, estimate its point lens parameters (t0, u0, tE). These basic parameters can be directly inferred from the lightcurve
by measuring the height and time of the peak and tFWHM of
the lightcurve (FWHM = Full Width Half Maximum). Then, tE
can be calculated using the measured tFWHM and the above
equations. In the limit where u0 << 1, tE
~ (1/2)tFWHM/u0.
Estimating t0 and u0 for a point source, point lens event
J. Yee
Estimating tE for a point source, point lens event
J. Yee
Example 1: The first MACHO event
From Alcock, Akerlof, Allsman, et al. 1993 Nature, 365, 621.
Lightcurve of MACHO-1, Alcock et al. Figure 2
Alcock et al. (1993)
Your answers
Example 2: The first EROS events
From Aubourg, Bareyre, Bréhin, et al. 1993 Nature, 365, 623.
Event 1
Lightcurve of the first EROS event, Aubourg et al. Figure 1b
Aubourg et al. (1993)
Your answers
Event 2
Lightcurve of the second EROS event, Aubourg et al. Figure 2b
Aubourg et al. (1993)
Your answers
In each of the examples shown above, there are two panels shown: red
and blue. Why? Gravitational lensing is achromatic meaning that
all light is magnified equally, regardless of wavelength. The fact
that the lensing signal is the same in both bands is further proof
that the observed light curves are caused by lensing rather than some
other astrophysical effect. (For example, a stellar flare would look
different in red and blue light.) The bottom panel of the first
figure, Ared/Ablue, demonstrates that the signal
is achromatic by showing that the ratio of the magnifications is flat.